NDIS accommodation

We offer various home and living supports to help you, a loved one or participant live independently, from short-term respite to ILO.

Supported home and living options you’ll love

Living more independently is what NDIS is all about, and this starts with where you live. Finding the right home and living support makes a big difference to the lives, overall happiness and physical and mental wellbeing of both participants – and their carers.

Our team discuss your home and living goals as part of our initial conversations to figure out and agree on what might be the best arrangement for you. Whether you need short-term respite care, want to trial a SIL home or live on your own, HEDSS makes homes.

Accommodation funding

Accommodation is funded under Home and Living Supports, a Core Support. Exactly what the funding allows for depends on the type of accommodation you can access.

Choose your accommodation

Short-term accommodation

Short-term accommodation is housing support when you need to stay out of home for a short period. This includes respite that gives carers and/or usual support network a break from their caring role. It’s also a great way for you or a participant to try new things, make new friends and develop new skills.

Available in Newcastle (Mayfield) – More coming soon

Medium-term accommodation

Medium-term accommodation is an option where your supports aren’t yet ready for you to move into a home – or you’re waiting for someone to move out. It’s also a great way to trial a new home environment, such as a supported independent living home.

Available in Newcastle (Mayfield) – More coming soon

Independent living options

Independent living options (ILO) are living arrangements that focus on the individual. It involves living alone or with a roommate or host and only needing drop-in supports. ILO is essentially a package of supports that lets you choose where and how you live in the way that best suits you. ILO funding doesn’t pay for a house.

Various locations in Newcastle and the Hunter – coming soon

Welcome to our respite home

Location:Mayfield, Newcastle
Residents:Short-term vacancies

Our modern and fully-equipped respite home has a warm family vibe. As well as three spacious bedrooms, it has a beautiful lounge room and island kitchen guests can enjoy. Out the back is a BBQ entertaining deck and a fully-fenced in-ground pool.

Stay with us

Are you interested in booking accommodation? Please fill in the form below, and we’ll be in touch.

Participant details

Participant name(Required)
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Participant address
DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY
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Looking for supported independent living (SIL)?

If you, your loved one or a participant has higher support needs, supported independent living may be the best option. Our SIL home offers a safe and nurturing environment where greater freedom is possible, but assistance is there when you or your loved one needs it.

Who are HEDSS?

Hunter Ethical Disability Support Services, or HEDSS for short, is a team of committed disability support professionals. We have over 150 years of experience between us and value our clients and staff.

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